
Group’s governance is inspired by a set of values that unite and guide us, irrespective of where we are.

inspirational lamp

Solid foundations

FOMAS Group bases its growth on a solid system of fundamental rules and principles, aimed at ensuring transparency, responsibility and sustainability in every aspect of our operations. The values we embrace and the rules we have set for ourselves mirror the same objectives: guarantee excellence in our performance in terms of quality, service, understanding the customer’s needs and innovation, respecting the highest standards of integrity and honesty in our relations with all stakeholders.

Code of Ethics

The principles that instil life into our work

FOMAS Group’s Code of Ethics clearly outlines the standards that govern its daily operations and decisions, regarding issues that we consider crucial so as to be recognised worldwide: not only for the solutions proposed, but above all for the degree of integrity and ethicality in every single action.

Organisation and Management Model

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001

Legislative Decree 231/01 regulates the administrative liability of companies for offences committed in their interest or to their advantage by persons functionally linked to them. The Group companies based in Italy have implemented an Organisation, Management and Control Model, binding for all those who, in various ways, have professional relationships with them. The principles envisaged in Model 231 serve as guidelines that govern the Group’s actions in relation to the stakeholders and are therefore recognised and applied by all Group Companies.


For the sake of promoting a culture based on transparency, trust and ethics, the Group has established a dedicated channel for reporting conduct deemed inconsistent with its principles, standards or the laws of the country it operates in.

Through this system, it is possible to communicate potential violations of the Code or the Model adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, as well as signal potentially improper or inappropriate conduct or allegedly illegal activities. The system ensures the confidentiality of the reporter's identity, and it is possible to submit findings anonymously.

How to Send Reports


Via e-mail
or breach of the Code of Ethics
or breach of Legislative Decree 231/2001 and of the relevant Model adopted



By ordinary mail

Via Martiri della Liberazione, 17 23875 Osnago (LC) Italia


Via e-mail
or breach of the Code of Ethics
or breach of Legislative Decree 231/2001 and of the relevant Model adopted



By ordinary mail

Via Martiri della Liberazione, 17 23875 Osnago (LC) Italia