"Although the subject matter concerning iron - the most precious of all metals - is too vast for me to try and cage it within the limits of a book, I have nonetheless set about the task with the hope and the goal of doing something useful for science and technology. It is not my intention to devote the treatise to a particularly specific category of persons; I have endeavoured to explain the subject in a way that all those who have got to do with iron and steel metallography may find the book beneficial and useful."
Prof. Gastone Guzzoni,
Author's preface in the book “Ordinary and Special Steels”, Hoepli, 1932
This valuable heritage, passed on from generation to generation, is reflected in our slogan Mastering the science of metals, a manifesto of our in-depth knowledge of steels and non-ferrous alloys, their chemical-physical characteristics and mechanical behaviour during forging, hot-rolling and atomisation processes.
Our knowledge lies in the deformation and processing of the raw material until it reaches the required dimensions as well as the chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics. Such expertise, however, is not immutable, but it is transmitted and evolves through innovation and research, the hallmark of our daily work in all its forms.
Metallurgical Expertise
The metallurgical expertise of FOMAS Group refers to its in-depth knowledge of manufacturing, steel remelting and the technologies adopted during those processes.