The chronicles of FOMAS Group began almost 70 years ago, thanks to the idea of Professor Gastone Guzzoni. Since then, we have grown and expanded the world over, retaining our identity, reliability and passion for the new challenges awaiting us.
F.O.M.A.S. (the Italian acronym of Forgiatura Moderna Acciai Speciali), was founded in 1956 in Osnago by Gastone Guzzoni, Professor of Metallurgy and author of one of the most popular university text-books on common and special steels. In 1957, his son Massimo Guzzoni also joined the company. test
Acknowledged by customers for its academic and practical expertise, the company became immediately well-known for its characteristics that are now embedded in its DNA: flexibility, resilience and reliability.
In the following decade, two fundamental events would chart the Group's future course: the acquisition of ASFO in 1969 and the entry into foreign markets, a move that would pay handsome dividends over the years and become a distinguishing feature of the FOMAS Group.
The start of the decade marked a new milestone: entry into the nuclear market. The opportunity, which the company pounced on immediately, allowed FOMAS to be present with its components in almost all nuclear power plants in the western world.
The newly installed presses accelerated the internationalisation process of its products, allowing them to enter the market that would turn out to be one of the most important for FOMAS Group: the U.S.
At the turn of the decade, Dr. Jacopo Guzzoni joined the company, initiating the creation of the Group culture and executing several strategic operations that would consecrate its international mission: the acquisition of HOT ROLL and LA FOULERIE, the construction of the factory in India (BAY-FORGE) and the start of production in China through FOMAS DALIAN.
The year 2006 represented a milestone in the company’s history: it was the year when FOMAS officially presented itself as an integrated Group, capable of offering the same level of quality, service and cooperation worldwide.
During this decade, in continuity with the previous period, FOMAS Group implemented major technological upgrades to its plants and increased its production capacity in ASFO. In the field of rings, the Group bought a company in the U.S. in 2014 and M4U Laminati in 2020.
With the founding of MIMETE, for the production of metal powders, and the launch of a joint-venture to create MADEINADD, a digital ecosystem for the design and production of components by means of 3D printing, some new challenges have been opening up for the future of the Group.
Today, as in the past, FOMAS Group is recognised for its mastery in metallurgy, an outstanding characteristic that has distinguished it since its inception. The willingness to always be a step ahead and accept new challenges has allowed the Group to stay in the forefront, be a pocket-sized multinational, whilst retaining the highest degree of professionalism and sustainability in all its processes.