A Hand for All

Community Support

The FOMAS Group has contributed to the Aleimar project, in association with Mother Theresa Social Service Organisation, through a donation that led to the opening of an evening school for the education of needy girls and women in Tamil Nadu (India). 

Tamil Nadu is one of India’s poorest states and also an area where economic hardships are accompanied by a strong discrimination against the weaker sex. Families do not invest in female education mostly because they do not have sufficient means to provide quality schooling beyond the primary level and, when the family is large, preference is given to the males.

Ensuring and promoting education and vocational training for girls and women means giving them a second chance at accomplishment, acquiring specific technical skills that enable them to find a job and, in many cases, support their families. The main goal is to promote the active participation of women in the community, offering them work as a means of empowerment, encouraging cooperation as a form of social enterprise.

Thanks to the project, the costs of computer and tailoring courses for over 100 women from Nagercoil and neighbouring villages were covered. The participants are all from very disadvantaged family backgrounds or, worse still, widows estranged from their families of origin who have to cope with the needs of their children. 

Furthermore, FOMAS has decided continue supporting the project in 2024: the donation will be entirely used to finance the costs of the courses for women and provide a little support for their children.

In 2024, actually, Aleimar is making an effort to guarantee the continuation of both the computer and tailoring courses through the purchase of dedicated tools, as well as the renovation of the classrooms, which are currently unsuitable for accommodating a large number of students. 

The procurement list features 3 desktop PCs for the IT classes; 1 printer, 1 laptop, 3 sewing machines for the dressmakers. In addition, 2 fans for the classrooms will be purchased, and work will be carried out to cover the currently unfinished PVC floor and provide additional food support for the participants and their children.

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