An Apiary at Curone Park

Since 2022

A joint collaboration involving FOMAS S.p.A., the Regional Park of Montevecchia and Curone Valley, and Apicoltura Urbana was launched in 2022. At the heart of this initiative is the establishment and full management of a company apiary, consisting of four hives populated by bees of the Apis Millefera Ligustica breed family. 

As the focus on sustainability issues has widened, the FOMAS Group has recognised the need to support a project with a more localised impact. COVID-19 has actually underlined the fundamental importance of safeguarding green spaces for collective well-being.

The initiative aims to create a tangible connection between the community and the ecosystem, fostering a harmonious relationship for the benefit of both the present and future generations.

The first step in this direction was the formalisation of an agreement between the company and the Regional Park of Montevecchia and Curone Valley, in virtue of which the hives were placed within the park's boundaries. 

In order to ensure participation of the corporate community, a contest was set-up that offered the opportunity to actively contribute to the project. The winners were rewarded with a unique experience: a guided tour of the apiaries, accompanied by the privilege of bringing along a family member. This initiative not only educated our community on the importance of beekeeping and environmental conservation, but also created a sense of shared participation and pride in the project. 

To further involve employees, the company donated a honey jar from the apiary to each one of them. A symbolic gesture that made a concrete contribution to the project. 

In an ongoing collaboration with Apicoltura Urbana, a honey tasting and sensory analysis workshop was also held at the company's headquarters in December 2023 to sharpen employee involvement and knowledge. 

With an eye on the future, the company is committed to sustaining the momentum with more events. Through such efforts, the FOMAS Group continues to demonstrate its dedication to environmental responsibility, community involvement and creating a lasting legacy of sustainability.

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