Sharing our metallurgy expertise in cooperation with Ingegneria Italia


In 2024, we engaged in a social media campaign with Ingegneria Italia to share our expertise in metal science with a broader audience.

Three one-minute videos

Supported by their team of experts, we created together three one-minute videos that highlighted some of our primary processes: forging, electro-slag remelting, and atomization for producing metal powders.

The documentary 

During the second half of the year, we embarked on a more ambitious project – a ten-minute documentary that showcased all our solutions. Focusing on our contributions to power generation and turbine component manufacturing, this storytelling format allowed us to explain the forging process and related techniques such as heat treatment, electro-slag remelting, and machining. We also discussed the rolling process for producing seamless rolled rings and explored the cutting-edge technology of producing metal powders, which are crucial for 3D printing and creating intricate components alongside traditional metallurgy.

Watch the videos!

You can find our one-minute videos on our social media channels – Instagram and LinkedIn – as well as Ingegneria Italia's platforms. The documentary is also available; you'll find it on social media and by clicking the link here!

We extend a heartfelt thank you to Ingegneria Italia, the team behind this project, and every employee who contributed through their helpfulness and support!

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