The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally.
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 focuses on enhancing social dialogue towards a culture of safety and health.
This is a great occasion to summarize what our Group has done in the past 12 months to promote health and safety.
The great news is that we reduced the injury frequency by 28% in the past 12 months. How is this possible? The answer, as per ILO*’s claim is only one: the key is CULTURE.
Fomas group has put great efforts in increasing the training activities in each of its global facilities. The result is an increase in training hours by 36% YOY.
Key projects are focusing on “excellence training”. Having experts onsite (including psychologists!) – collecting infos directly from the field to create a tailor made training program is paramount.
HSE staff on the field developing job safety analysis (JSA), toolbox talks and dynamic risk assessments, the cooperation with local authorities on specific education programs, helps spreading the safety culture and enhances social dialogue.
But we are not finished yet!
The goal is zero, and we are working to reach it!
Thomas Colla
HSE Manager – FOMAS Group
*ILO: International Labour Organization